Thursday, February 5, 2009

I disliked everyone in this movie but Chuck Lane.

"He's a worm."

The guy on "60 Minutes" had it right. By time the movie was wrapping up, I was so sick of Stephen Glass's voice and his sob stories. Oi. And his friends? Yes, Glass seems like this cool, lovable guy, but he was too much for me and it was only a couple hours. I think his behavior wasn't caught because he seemed so lovable and the articles were unbelievable. Who wouldn't hear his ideas and run with them? In hindsight, however, they were glaringly too perfect. I still can't believe he had the audacity to fabricate entire stories, create fake Web sites and voicemail. When we watched the real Glass in the "60 Minutes" interview, I couldn't believe anything he said.

I love Chuck Lane. He is the man. Even when the whole staff was against him, he continued to investigate Glass. He stood up for the dignity of the field and wasn't fooled by Glass's act. I admire his integrity and understanding. When nobody understood the severity of fabrication, he let them have it. And I loved it. I also admired the staff of the online publication who discovered the unethical behavior. It would take a lot to go after the New Republic, the in-flight magazine of Air Force One.

The most basic journalism standards were violated and still, Glass doesn't seem to realize the seriousness of it. Praise is only truly learned by excellence and honesty. Success in journalism is based on truth, transparency and facts. Just like Meg Carter, he obviously missed those lessons in his journalism class.

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