Saturday, February 28, 2009

Goodbye to the Rocky

The Rocky Mountain News, the oldest newspaper in Colorado at 150 years and winner of several Pulitzer prizes, was killed yesterday. The staff was told Thursday at noon that Friday would be their last edition.

This video tells the story.

Final Edition from Matthew Roberts on Vimeo.


  1. The scary and ironic thing about this is that by posting on this blog I'm contributing to the very thing that may have lead to this paper, and many others nation-wide, going under. Technology is a fickle bitch...

  2. This was depressing. I'm graduating in May and this didn't make me feel any better about the possibility of finding a job. It reminded me of a link Nancy posted on Facebook called paper cuts or something. It had the number of jobs lost this year alone and when I saw it, a few weeks ago, some 2,500 journalists had lost their jobs. Denver is lucky, however, because it has another paper. To be without a newspaper completely, I can't imagine.

    I do agree with Mack. The irony of our posting and discussing online, I don't know. I'm sad for newspapers.
