Friday, March 6, 2009

Tweet tweet

Today, I signed up for a Twitter account. When I first heard about Twitter, I thought it just another site to check and another way to tie myself down to a computer. I never really thought to sign up. However, after looking through it, I think it is a great idea. So I got an account. Strangely enough, one of the first people I signed up to follow was Sen. John McCain. If you know me at all, you know I have a lot of beef with the senator. Despite my disagreements with McCain, I think he is using Twitter to the advantage of the American people and their pocket books. Right now, he is using Twitter to point out the useless spending in bills going through Congress. With all the people on Twitter and the overwhelming use of technology, I think this is a useful technique and everybody should be reading his profile.

As sad as I am about the disappearance of newspapers, the press has to keep up with the trends of readers. With the huge popularity of Facebook, blogs, Twitter, etc., all we can do it try to reach them there. I think the crossover to the Web is inevitable. I don't like it. I prefer the hardcopy, the tangible and reliable paper thrown on my doorstep every morning. But I don't think it's going to last. We should do what we can to save newspapers but if the readers aren't there, we have to adapt and find a way to reach them.

1 comment:

  1. I agree with Arie on the matter of disappearing newspapers. I will always love the messy ink and pulling out sections, and that fresh print smell, but I am old fashioned, and a dying breed. I hate computers, and I think it is interesting Arie said they can make her feel tied down. This is my sentiment exactly. But most people want easy internet access where something can serve as entertainment, socializing and news communication. Many people see the internet as freedom rather than something to tie them down. Newspapers will die, they are one at a time as we speak. I see the benefit of online news, but I think it is important to maintain the line between professional journalism and citizen journalism. There will always be a need for a trained, qualified, experienced, and dedicated journalist who understands social responsibility. Without this, I fear society will become more isolated physically and more niche groups who don't know what's going on will be created. It seems in growing globalized world we are paradoxically becoming more isolated because of new technology and dying old technology, such as the beloved newspaper.
