Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Feminism a religion? Against Title 9?

A lawyer accused in 2008 a university of misusing federal aid because he claimed Women and Gender Studies discriminates against men. Clearly this man does not understand that females cannot be studied inclusively without studying males. As a student in the USU Women and Gender Studies program, I have spent many classes covering men, masculinity and related issues.

From the article:
"The courses pretty much treat guys as if they're sources of evil in the world and the women are the victims," Den Hollaneder said. "I'm using the same argument here as we have with Title IX. When a university receives government funding, they have to provide equal opportunities for men and women. If there's no men's studies, women's studies is unconstitutional."

He also calls feminism a religion that is "spread." Religion does not fit with the definition of feminism by pure logic and court case precedents. Also, patriarchy is a rule in most of modern and ancient times where women were/are the victims, thus the point of the study. Oye! His statement essentially denies this accepted truth in an overtly sexist manner.

Read story here:,0,3450521.column